Green America Landscapes
Green America   Landscapes

Our team makes your dreams come to life

We at Green America Landscapes stand for expertise, creativity and many years of experience. We strive to protect the environment and use only eco-friendly materials.


Owner Kenyon Kramer and a couple employees make up the team at Green America Landscapes. We have employees with experience in landscape developement, maintenance, and other areas of the construction industry.


Extreme importance is placed on honesty, work ethics, and dependabillity.


See for yourself and get to know us better!

Kenyon Kramer



I grew up on the family farm. There I learned to enjoy making things grow, developing tecniques, and even worked with fabrication in developing specialized equipment.  Life on the farm helped me develope skills in equipment operation, and gave me a chance to study agronomy and horticulture. In 2006 and 2007 I worked with Excavating, and in 2008 started work with Enviroscapes. There I worked with hardscape, and also specialized in the irrigation and low voltage lighting department, thereby aquiring the experience I needed to start on my own.


In August 2010 I quit my position at enviroscapes and registered my own business, aquiring the nessesary licenses, insurance, etc.  In 2011, in my second year, the oportunity arose to hire a reputable young man from the local community.  I realized I had an opening for an employee.  This same thing happened again the following year.  I am an equal opportunity employer, but so far have been able to maintain a crew of men with clear background records, known in the community for their honesty, integrity, and work ethics.  The emphasis we place on honesty and integrity, and the confidence I have in my crew, allow me to make the guarantee as stated on the home page.

Interested in a landscaping or maintenance consultation?

We're happy to come by your property for an on-site consultation.

Up to two free estimates

Call us at: 330 4128156

Business Hours

Mon - Sat 7:00 -7:00

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© Green America Landscapes